Friday, June 26, 2015

James Walter Lyon

Lyon's home "Wyoming"
One can't talk about The Ward without mentioning James Walter Lyon. He ran The World Publishing Company, noted for producing an Encyclopedia. He lived on Queen Street in the house called Wyoming.

JWL bought up 400 acres in the Ward. His plan to give land to industry, while selling plots to prospective employees, contributed to rapid growth as many industries, located in The Ward.

My fascination with James however is because he hired an accountant by the name of William Harvey. If you come on my walk, I'll gladly tell you the story of the Harvey Murders which is now a play looking to be produced!
Jerk 'em up gallows

The William Harvey story is fascinating and brings together many elements in Guelph. After all Guelph was then becoming home to Homewood and the "not guilty by reason of insanity" issue was first played out here.

As was the use of a new hanging technique called the "jerk 'em up method". The Harvey case inflamed the issue of prohibition and put Guelph on the national stage as William Harvey's case was discussed extensively in newsprint across the new country called Canada.

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